"Cycles of Her" Program


Work With Me

Cycle Journal


A 6 week group program for the woman who is ready to live in tune with her cycle and embody her feminine wisdom.

Live calls with teachings and embodiment practices, group support, sisterhood and remembering the magic of being a woman.

We start February 23rd


here to remind you of your power

"Feminine wisdom is not learned. it is remembered. it is the ancient knowing that stirs within each woman, calling her back to her true self."

our mission

Blume Womb Cycle Journal

Unlock the wisdom of your cycle with the Blume Womb Cycle Journal—a beautifully designed tool for tracking, reflecting, and aligning with your body’s natural rhythms. Explore the phases of your menstrual cycle, honor your inner seasons, and cultivate a deeper connection with yourself every day with daily cycle tracking.

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What others are saying about Blume Womb:

  • Blume Womb Coaching was the simplest yet most valuable addition to my life. It gave me the knowledge I believe every woman should have from early childhood. We are living in our bodies, why not understand their natural cycles, and why not be taught by a woman deeply in her feminine? I have PCOS and was what often felt like controlled by my emotions. Cycle coaching with Blume Womb taught me how to hold space for my specific hormonal flow while continuing the natural pace of life and honoring the deeper significance of being a woman.

  • Working with Rebecca quite literally changed my life. I don't even know how to put into words how important menstrual cycle knowledge is, and to be taught and guided by such a compassionate, genuine, beautiful soul, is an opportunity no woman should pass up. During our first session, I didn't even know what being feminine truly meant. After 3 months, I feel strongly that i have called all of my feminine power back to me. I am living in pure alignment with my cyclical nature and life feels so much easier. For example, before working with Rebecca, I had horrible periods and was pretty sad most of the time. My PMS was so bad and I never understood why sometimes I had more energy and felt social and other times I wanted to hide from the world. I was carrying the weight of the masculine way of living on my shoulders and it hindered all my abilities, not only as a woman, but as a human. Now, I am PMS free, and I can structure my life in ways that fits best with where I'm at in each phase and optimize not only my health and well being, but literally every other aspect of my life. thank you Rebecca for helping me find my power as a woman.

  • Rebecca is a magical human. I have been cycle tracking for the past 9 years and never have I understood what these magical rhythms inside of us hold until now. I feel like I have opened up a whole new lens on life and how to truly love my body and honor all of its phases. I am so excited to continue to explore this and have already began sharing with my close friends. There is something so instinctual about living with your cycle and understanding the archetypes that live inside each phase, it just feels right and graceful and truly beautiful. Sooo much love for you Rebecca <3 I love being a girl.

  • Rebecca and her Blume Womb teachings are sacred and beautiful! She helps you see yourself and remember your truest self. Through the wisdom, guidance, and teachings Rebecca brings to the sacred space, more of myself was found, understood, honored, and loved by myself. I am able to understand all parts of myself and my cycle at all times in my life and honor myself with where I am and what my body and soul are asking for. The sacred journey with Rebecca is truly that... sacred and beautiful. I am deeply grateful for the wisdom, love, and sacred space that Rebecca holds, creates, and shares.

  • This course has been a game-changer for me. It provided invaluable insights into managing PMDD and alleviating long-standing PMS symptoms. Understanding my cycle's phases has brought me newfound contentment and emotional stability. Most importantly, I've learned not to suppress my thoughts and feelings, leading to a healthier and happier life. I would highly recommend to anyone seeking self-empowerment and a better understanding of themselves.

  • I went into the retreat excited to learn about my womb and the cycles we go through each month, but I was blown away with how much I learned, connected, and integrated. The sisterhood I felt, the reclamation to myself, and the knowledge I now have are all pieces I will keep with me for my lifetime. I am so deeply grateful for Rebecca, Dani, and Alex!

  • The Blume Womb retreat was everything I could have asked for and more! Honoring cyclical living in sacred ceremony with other woman everyday was such a special experience that left me feeling even more grateful to be a woman! Rebecca is so knowledgable in what she does and offered such valuable tools for us to take home and honor each season of our cycle. Alex and Dani are experts at holding space and helping you dig deeper. They all offered such a safe space for our truest selves to shine. Every woman should experience this!!

  • My four days at the BlumeWomb Retreat at the Aluna Healing Center felt truly like medicine and was a transformative experience. It was deeply authentic and healing. Educational. Nourishing. Resourcing. Ceremonial.

    The BlumeWomb Retreat was exactly what I had been looking for and was my first Womens / self-work retreat, as well as my first deep dive into really getting to know my cycle. I was quite nervous driving in and deeply at ease and empowered driving away.

    What an epic experience, adventure and journey this was! I am already seeking out my next opportunity to work with Blume Womb and this retreat gave me so much more than I expected. I left feeling empowered, knowledgeable, rejuvenated, and deeply connected to a community of incredible women. It was a beautiful reminder of the power we hold as women when we come together.

    If you're considering this retreat, I highly recommend it and give it 5 stars.

  • The entire Blume womb retreat was wonderful! I felt held, supported, seen, heard and loved. All of the women in the retreat were so open and vulnerable from the moment we walked into the yurt. There were so many sweet moments throughout the four days. Rebecca, Alex and Dani put so much love and attention to detail into the retreat. My favorite parts were wearing a dress that represented the phase we were discussing that day and where we shared how wishes for our heaven on earth. There was so much information shared that every woman should know. I loved how each one of the facilitators shared personal experiences. I would recommend this retreat to anyone who wants to learn more about the phases of their cycle, how to honor and flow within each of our phases, to connect with other women and wants to find the power we hold as women. I left the retreat feeling so light, energized and empowered. I can recommend this beautiful retreat enough!!

  • Rebecca gives a detailed and holistic explanation of what goes on in a woman's body throughout the different phases of her monthly cycle, along with countless helpful recommendations regarding cycle-tracking, diet, exercise, and lifestyle. She has a genuine desire to help women understand what we're going through so we can take better care of our health and well-being. When it comes to understanding how to live in harmony with my hormones and knowing what my body needs at different stages of the cycle, I've learned more in 4 Saturday afternoons with Rebecca than I did in all of grade school. Rebecca is the health teacher I never got to have in my childhood but WISH I did. Better now than never!

  • VERY TRANSFORMATIONAL!! I went from having zero connection to my womb and knowledge, to the start of a beautiful bond and connection/ knowingness of the power my womb holds and it’s importance. I feel more grounded and stepped into my femininity and the power in it! This has definitely planted a seed on my journey of connection to my womb I feel more empowered and in tune and it definitely awakened so much in me.

  • The breadth of wisdom Rebecca shared was empowering. I learned the superpowers I possess each phase of my cycle, how to tune in to my body, and how best to support myself through each of these phases. I really loved connecting each phase to its corresponding season and archetype - it’s completely changed how I view my cycle as a woman. I’m so excited to see how my quality of life changes after receiving this powerful wisdom from Blume Womb.

  • I can honestly say that this program changed my life. Before the program, I was an absolute beginner with cycle syncing and connecting to my womb. I was awakened to parts of myself that I have never given proper love and attention towards. I left feeling like this whole journey has only just begun for me. Even though we are no longer meeting on Zoom, I feel that I still have this group of women cheering me on to be the creator of my life and my destiny and not allow external messages to change how I view my sacred body and womb! I highly recommend in investing in this training with Rebecca. You won't regret it!


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