Blume Womb 1:1 Coaching

Reconnect with Your Feminine Essence Through Menstrual Cycle Awareness

The journey of menstrual cycle awareness is a profound return to yourself—to your body, your womb, and your feminine essence. Your menstrual cycle is more than just a biological process; it is a built-in ritual, a sacred rhythm that invites you to pause, reflect, and align with the cycles of nature and life. When you begin to embrace your cycle with awareness, you step into a process of initiation—a journey of death and rebirth—that reunites you with the deep well of nourishment, intuition, and power within.

We, as women, embody the essence of nature through the monthly flow of our internal seasons. In a world largely structured around the masculine 24-hour cycle, we’ve become disconnected from our unique 25-35 day rhythm. But when you begin to live in alignment with your cycle’s phases, you reconnect with your primal center. This is where your power resides, where your intuition awakens, and where your life transforms.

Cycle tracking is the key to unlocking this alignment. By listening to your womb and understanding the subtle shifts within, you not only change how you show up for yourself but also contribute to the greater balance of the collective. Through this work, you will discover that your cycle is not something to resist but a container through which your feminine energy can flow freely and purposefully.

Introducing My 1:1 Coaching Offerings

Whether you are new to menstrual cycle awareness or ready to deepen your understanding, I offer two levels of 1:1 coaching containers tailored to meet you where you are on your journey.

I prioritize Level 1 cycle tracking for a minimum of 2–3 cycles. This practice helps establish a deeper connection with your body, allowing you to intuitively recognize where you are in your cycle without relying on tracking biomarkers. By the end of this container, you'll be able to sense whether you're ovulating, about to bleed, deeply immersed in your luteal phase, or awakening into your inner spring.

Level 2 cycle tracking introduces your body’s biomarkers and how to interpret them. This includes understanding your cervical mucus patterns, basal body temperature (BBT), and cervix height. The intention behind starting with Level 1 is to encourage an embodied, somatic connection to your cycle rather than approaching it purely from a logical standpoint. By first nurturing a relationship with your womb through feminine, intuitive practices, you create a strong foundation for integrating these additional tools.

3 Month 1:1 Cycle Coaching Container (Level 1 Cycle Tracking)

This 1:1 Coaching Container 6 Sessions over a span of 3 months. We will be diving into Level 1 Cycle Tracking which includes learning how to track your cycle in a somatic way by checking in with your body every day, seeing what is present, and taking note of that with a physical cycle tracker. The sessions are tailored to your needs while using the outline of the cycle and its 4 phases to learn, reflect and integrate your unique cycle. We will be diving into each phase of the cycle separately, diving into the hormonal landscape, the qualities of that inner season, how you can best support yourself during this phase and the feminine archetype attached to that phase.


What's Included?

  • Biweekly 1 hour sessions: These zoom calls include an opening Womb Practice, checking over your cycle tracker, sharing about what came up for you, any extra resources or practices needed for your journey
  • In Depth teachings about the Menstrual Cycle, it's 4 phases and how you can best support yourself
  • On hands support with your unique experience
  • Weekly text check ins
  • Access to every slideshow pdf, ebook and other resources


3 month, 6 Session package: $2,200
(payment plans available)

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Fertility Awareness Method: Cycle Tracking Coaching Sessions (Level 2 Cycle Tracking)

Level 2 Cycle Tracking is perfect for the woman who has cycle tracked already and wants to deepen her knowledge by learning the Fertility Awareness Method.

You will learn how to track your cervical mucus pattern, your Basal Body Temperature and your Cervix height to accurately confirm your fertile phase and confirm Ovulation. Whether you are using this method for contraception or conception methods or simply to just gain a deeper understanding of your body and its fertility/ cycle, this container will support you in doing so.

What's Included?

  • Introduction Session on how to track your Cycle via Cervical Mucus tracking, Basal Body Temperature and Cervix Height.
  • Monthly 1 hour sessions: These zoom calls include checking over your cycle tracker, sharing about what came up for you, any extra resources or practices needed for your journey
  • Charting your cycle together using the Fertility Awareness Method to confirm your fertile phase ovulation, luteal length, menstrual phase, etc.
  • On hands support with your unique experience
  • Weekly text check ins
  • Access to every slideshow pdf, ebook and other resources


3 month, 3 Session pack: $850
(Payment plan available)

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