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Inner Seasons Cycle Guidebook

Inner Seasons Cycle Guidebook

30+ pages to introduce you to your Menstrual Cycle, its 4 hormonal phases, the correlated Inner Seasons and how to live in communion with it

Did you know...? Women's bodies follow a 25-35 (on average) day hormone cycle made up of 4 phases. Throughout each phase, the body experiences hormonal, physical and emotional changes.

As a woman, you are held within this predictable pattern; the rhythm of your cycle. Synching with your cycle is living to the fullest potential of the woman that you are.

When cycle synching, you align your lifestyle, diet, exercise and more with each phase of your cycle.

Empowering yourself as a woman means learning about your cycle, getting in touch with your womb, honoring each hormonal phase and how to best nurture yourself.

Your womb plays a huge factor in a your hormonal health. And guess what- your hormones, are YOU. It is what dictates your personality, your mood, your appetite, your libido, your decisions- everything.

So with that, your womb is your center of gravity.

We are created in the Womb- think about what would happen if we started to LIVE with it.

We live in a world that has taught us to completely neglect our cyclical nature. Blume Womb's mission is to help you change that by supporting you in embracing the true essence of the feminine within you.


Why is Menstrual Cycle Awareness so vital for a woman?

  • Restores your hormone balance

  • Improves your energy levels, mood and mental health

  • Regulates your nervous system and stress levels (and saves you from a burn out)

  • Allows you to workout more effectively

  • Connects you deeper with your feminine in a masculine driven world

  • Decreases PMS symptoms and regulates irregular cycles

  • Makes you feel more aligned with yourself and the world around you


What you will gain from this e-book:

  • An introduction to the Menstrual Cycle and its 4 phases (Follicular, Ovulation, Luteal, Menstrual)

  • The correlated Inner Seasons and Archetypes for each phase

  • A basic overview of your hormones and what is happening every cycle

  • How to cycle track and connect to your phases

  • A printable cycle tracker to help you track your cycle

  • An in-depth overview of the 4 phases and how to synch your lifestyle, diet and exercise with each

  • Ritual Practices and Journal Prompts for each phase to connect and check-in with yourself

  • Insights on how to intuitively live with your unique cycle

Regular price $37.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $37.00 USD
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